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L.E. McCULLOUGH has raised the art of Educational Playwriting and Playwriting for Children to a new level of craft and popularity.


How? By writing plays that kids — and teachers — want to perform!


Drawing from 3 decades' experience as a musician, folklorist, poet, journalist and educator, Dr. McCullough writes plays well- grounded in fact and enlivened by snippets of humor, music, dance and excursions into international legend and lore.


The plays are designed for classroom or home performance and are adaptable to any setting and budget.


Photo:  Richard Finkelstein

Richly textured and quickly paced, they are easily integrated across a wide range of curricula — history, geography, social studies, music, dance, theatre, English and foreign language arts — to provide a broad-based thematic approach that helps children most efficiently acquire and retain information.


If you're looking for plays that educate and entertain, try out a play or two from an L.E. McCullough collection.


They're written expressly with you, your actors and your audience in mind.

© 2024 by Educational Classroom Plays

P.O. Box 60103, Pittsburgh, PA 15211 - USA         

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