Children's Theatre Workshops
Playwriting for Students (ages 9-12)
The writing of plays and skits is an excellent way for kids to express thoughts and feelings while honing important communication, collaboration and literacy skills. You Can Write a Play! presents basic elements of dramatic form and teaches the step-by-step process of how to put ideas on paper and your play on stage. All playwrights will publish their own script using a computer. No prior writing experience necessary; just bring a vivid imagination!
Introductory Playwriting for Teens
Speak Your Mind presents basic elements of dramatic form and teaches teens the step-by-step process of how to put ideas on paper and transform imagination into reality. This playwriting workshop covers Basic Orientation Points, Goals, Writing Warmup Exercises, Dramatic Structure, Format, Characters, Playwright Perspective, Stage Geography, Theme and Storyline, Student and Teacher Discussion, Set, Scenery, Lighting, Sound and Music culminating in a Staged Reading of student plays followed by discussion.
Making Our History Real
Youth Exploring American History (YEAH!) is a 4-week workshop program that brings professional actors and playwrights into elementary and middle schools to show students and teachers how to enhance their history and social studies curriculum using one-act plays based on American history and folklore.
The program’s objective is to use drama to promote literacy and the study of local, state and U.S. history.
Using the theatrical process provides multi-cultural perspectives on American culture, promotes cross-curriculum integration and delivers positive, hands-on arts education experience for all the students in the class.

Each participating class is visited 3 times a week by a Drama Duo that guides students and teachers in writing their own plays from history and social studies material. The students are shown how to do their own research in creating plot, characters and set design.
The basic elements of playwriting, acting and stage presentation are demonstrated as the play comes together, integrating elements from foreign language, science, math and English studies. At the end of the workshop, the students perform their play for the rest of the school.