Classroom Plays for Social Studies, American History
* Written by L.E. McCullough, Ph.D.
* ISBN: 1-56472-241-4
* Retail List Price: $17.00 (check online retailers for other prices)

Re-enact events that forged a developing country!
Plays of Early America are interactive learning aids designed to make history and cultural study come alive for your students. These plays are foundations and stepping-off points for further research and learning by your students. Though each play script is self-contained and based on actual curriculum material, the format allows for additional information teachers might wish to insert.
1. Pocahontas and John Smith: Saving the Virginia Colony. In 1607, the Powhatan girl Pocahontas saves the struggling Jamestown colony by convincing her father to spare the life of Captain John Smith.
2. Daily Life in Colonial America. Explore the life of a typical New England farm family in 1704, highlighting the need for self-sufficiency and inter-dependence with discussion of the significant role children played in the household economy.
3. July 4, 1776: America’s First Birthday. On July 4, 1776, Philadelphia citizens discuss the pros and cons of breaking away from England as the Declaration of Independence is signed inside Independence Hall.
4. Valley Forge: Turning Point of the Revolution. The Colonial Army survives the terrible winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge to emerge stronger than ever.