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“Now I Get It!”, Vol. 1 — Curriculum Plays, Grades K-3

12 Ten-Minute Classroom Drama Skits for

Elementary Science, Math, Language & Social Studies


   * Written by L.E. McCullough, Ph.D.

   * ISBN:  1-57525-161-2

   * Retail List Price: $17.00 (check online retailers for other prices)


INCREASING NUMBERS OF teachers are discovering the benefits of using drama in the classroom to motivate students and enhance existing curriculum.


The “Now I Get It!” books are a collection of short plays based on actual grade-specific subject matter taught in elementary classrooms.


Used as focused learning exercises, each play is expressly designed to boost comprehension and creativity.


Each volume of “Now I Get It!” covers lessons in Grammar, Writing, Math, Vocabulary, Geometry, Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Geography, Citizenship, History and Current Events.


1. The Parts of Speech (Syntax). This play highlights the basic elements of sentence construction and punctuation.


2. “May I Quote That?” (Writing). This play is a grammar exercise that highlights the use of quotation marks and aids in developing writing, comprehension and speaking skills.


3. Antonym — Synonym (Vocabulary). This play is a vocabulary-building exercise using antonyms and synonyms and aids in developing reading and critical thinking skills.


4. Even and Odd Numbers (Math). This play defines even and odd numbers and uses them to solve addition and subtraction reasoning problems.

5. Lines and Shapes (Geometry). This play defines lines and shapes and their application in basic geometry, with discussion of their use in everyday life.


6. Fossils (Life Science). This play highlights how fossils are created and lays the foundation for concepts of archeology and prehistory with discussion about the role of fossils in documenting how people and animals lived in the past.


7. Vitamins (Human Body). This play defines vitamins and introduces basic nutritional principles related to normal mealtime diet


8. The Planets (Earth Science). This play introduces the planets of our solar system, defining them in terms of surface temperature, atmosphere, orbital path, size and distance from the Sun.


9. Home Sweet Biome (Geography). This play highlights the biome and lays the foundation for concepts of ecosystem and discussion about the impact of human beings on natural environments.


10. A Child’s Day in Rural America, 1876 (History). This play explores the life of a typical farm family in late 19th-century America, highlighting the need for self-sufficiency and inter-dependence with discussion of the significant role children played in the household economy.


11. What a Government Does (Citizenship). This play highlights government functions and services and introduces basic principles of civic responsibility with discussion of the common good, individual and group rights and role of laws.


12. “Get Me Information, Please!” (Current Events). This play highlights sources of information about current events with discussion about how news is gathered, processed and distributed via major print and broadcast media.

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