“Now I Get It!”, Vol. 2 — Curriculum Plays, Grades 4-6
12 Ten-Minute Classroom Drama Skits for
Elementary Science, Math, Language & Social Studies
* Written by L.E. McCullough, Ph.D.
* ISBN: 1-57525-162-0
* Retail List Price: $17.00 (check online retailers for other prices)

INCREASING NUMBERS OF teachers are discovering the benefits of using drama in the classroom to motivate students and enhance existing curriculum.
The “Now I Get It!” books are a collection of short plays based on actual grade-specific subject matter taught in elementary classrooms.
Used as focused learning exercises, each play is expressly designed to boost comprehension and creativity.
Each volume of “Now I Get It!” covers lessons in Grammar, Writing, Math, Vocabulary, Geometry, Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Geography, Citizenship, History and Current Events.
1. The Almighty Apostrophe (Syntax). This play introduces the apostrophe and its usage with verb and pronoun contractions.
2. Let’s Write a Poem! (Writing). This play introduces the basic elements of poetry and related terms such as meter, rhyme, limerick, haiku and free verse.
3. Holy-Holey-Wholly Cow! Homonyms & Homophones on the Loose! (Vocabulary). This play introduces homonyms and homophones, first defining them and then providing examples in usage.
4. The Metric System Rules! (Basic Math). This play introduces the metric system, defining basic units of measurement in length, mass, volume, area and temperature, along with providing conversion formulas.
5. Fractions (Using Math). This play introduces fractions and gives examples of their everyday use, along with the concepts of equivalent fraction and least common denominator.
6. How Birds Fly (Life Science). This play explores the phenomenon of bird flight, covering basic bird anatomy and physics of flight with particular reference to feathers, wing shape and flight pattern.
7. Magnets Are Magical! (Physical Science). This play introduces the basic theory of magnets and related terms such as magnetic force, micromagnets, poles, lodestone and repulsion/attraction.
8. Sources of Energy (Earth Science). This play introduces the concept of energy storage and transfer, along with terms including potential and kinetic energy, thermal energy, solar energy, radiation, conduction and convection.
9. Time Zones (Geography). This play introduces international time zones, along with concepts of longitude, latitude, Greenwich Mean Time, International Date Line and absolute location.
10. Governments of the World (Citizenship). This play introduces the basic types of political systems and, using analogy, their application to modern society.
11. Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 (History). This play recreates the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, which was the first gathering in the United States that issued a formal call to establish the legal and economic rights of women, including a constitutional amendment to give women the right to vote.
12. Recycling: Taming the Plastic Monster! (Current Events). This play introduces recycling — specifically the theory and process of recycling plastic — and explores related topics of pollution, landfills, toxins and the impact of recycling on the environment.